Established by Elliott Galloway in 1969, The Galloway School serves a diverse student body located in the Chastain Park neighborhood.
“We know that children will learn only if they want to learn, so we pay attention and find that thing that gives them the desire to know.” ~Elliot Galloway, Founder
Galloway is philosophically grounded and learner-focused, where students ages 3 through grade 12 develop an abiding love for learning. Preparing students to live successfully as enlightened citizens in a changing world, Galloway embraces diversity, insists upon common decency, and fosters human dignity.
Through innovation, enthusiasm, and high expectations, Galloway draws students joyfully into learning and cultivates the intrinsic curiosity and unrepeatable talents of each individual.
Galloway offers a rigorous academic program and, as such, no courses are designated as honors. However, in keeping with the school’s philosophy of encouraging students to seek challenges, Galloway provides students 18 A.P. courses to enroll in, and for 2 consecutive years, 84 percent of the students scored a 3 or higher on A.P. Exams.
The Galloway School is found at 215 Chastain Park Ave NW, Atlanta, GA 30342, in Chastain Park.
The heart of the Galloway experience lies in relationships. Students, teachers, parents, coaches, and staff are all vital members of the community. The students and staff consider themelves lifelong learners and support each other in that endeavor while learning together, respecting and celebrating each other.
The student/teacher relationship is one of mutuality. Students feel comfortable asking questions, challenging viewpoints, contributing ideas, brainstorming solutions. Here, teachers encourage classroom interactions and inspire students to find their voice. They are partners together in learning.
The spirit of Buckhead heads forward. This is the way it has been, and perhaps this is the way it will always be. The spirit of Buckhead points forward. You see it in the way we work, and you see it in the way we play. The reach is always extending further. The search is for excellence and beauty and grace and vibrancy.
We are a community of individuals. We are diverse, we are dynamic, and we are discerning. We are builders. We are connected to one another with a common bond. A common dream. A common quest. Pointing life in one direction. Forward.
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