Humans of Buckhead: “I’d rather be at the gallery than anywhere on earth. It’s my laboratory, my stage, and my temple.”

“A gallery is not an easy business, but I just took to it like a duck to water. Everybody who collects art is in one form or another a superlative personality in the sense that they are successful in life and business. It’s a very kaleidoscopic and interesting group of people. The artists are, of course, their own unique universe and I love acting as a go-between for what would benefit the both of them, and doing that with beauty and knowledge and information. That’s how it happened; I was working in one gallery at TULA, I walked next door and saw a space that was for lease, called the owner of the building and said I’m interested in this space for a gallery. Literally from there I just made it up.

I became interested in art because I was always mesmerized by the way images could kind of create or affect what I call a field change, or a field shift. A shift in your state of mind, how you feel emotionally, a shift in perspective. I have zero interest in ever retiring, I’d rather be at the gallery than anywhere on earth. It’s my laboratory, my stage, and my temple. That’s what my gallery is to me. I didn’t really mean for this to happen, but by my 30s it became the path on which my life took me, and here it is. That’s how it started, it was as unstructured as that. It just spontaneously combusted.”

Bill Lowe is the owner of the Bill Lowe Gallery since 1989. The gallery is located at 764 Miami Circle, Suite 210.

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