NOTE-an offer is currently being negotiated with the lender. A Buckhead classic ready for significant renovation. An AMAZING home for a buyer with the right eye looking for a reno with tremendous space inside & out, 3 finished levels, basement, large office addition. Basement is partially in flood plain but the front of the property is out of the floodplain. Cash or construction loans only. **See showing instructions/private remarks to make an offer. **List price based on short sale lender appraisal & negotiations. Selected offer is subject to final bank approval.
The spirit of Buckhead heads forward. This is the way it has been, and perhaps this is the way it will always be. The spirit of Buckhead points forward. You see it in the way we work, and you see it in the way we play. The reach is always extending further. The search is for excellence and beauty and grace and vibrancy.
We are a community of individuals. We are diverse, we are dynamic, and we are discerning. We are builders. We are connected to one another with a common bond. A common dream. A common quest. Pointing life in one direction. Forward.
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