Chastain Park
Chastain Park Real Estate Market Report
24 homes have been sold in the Chastain Park neighborhood in the past 12 months. The average sale price was $2,431,479, which is -6.46 % below last year’s average of $2,599,457 . The average home was on the market for 37 days.
in Chastain Park
Neighborhood News

10 Years in, and is better than ever!
Ten years ago, just as I was getting established as a community news source, I decided that we needed to create a compelling brand

A new ‘Park within the park’: Chastain plans to spend $9.8M to activate 40 forgotten acres
The Chastain Park Conservancy has plans to transform 40 acres of unused land in the heart of the park into usable greenspace. $5 million in

Atlanta leader: Buckhead’s parks improving fast
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