The Weezie towel company is is a great Buckhead success story. Tuxedo Park native Lindsey Johnson and her business partner Liz Eichholz brought their internet business into the real world when they opened a holiday pop-up shop at St Andrews Square in October 2021. The community embraced the new business and they decided to put down permanent roots.
As the store prepares its two-year anniversary, Weezie has begun hosting a series of in-store parties and events. When I attended the first Weezie book club meeting this summer, I was delighted by the store and the staff, and was pleasantly surprised by the community’s support for the event.

Weezie’s first book club event
On July 20th, the Weezie towel company held their first book club with Avery Carpenter Forrey’s Social Engagement. As a Weezie customer before there flagship shop in Buckhead ever opened, I admit I was skeptical.
First of all, co-founders Liz Eichholz and Lindsey Johnson picked the quietest time of summer—two weeks after July Fourth and two weeks before school started—when the Buckhead community vanishes. Who’d be attending besides my two friends and me?
Also, would we just stand among the lovely displays? Could a towel shop even reach literary readers? And what about the wicked storm brewing? Suddenly, the event felt impossible.
Honestly, it all came down to this, How could a towel shop pull off a book club?
The storm grew moodier, the angry clouds lowered. The first thunder roared.

I stepped into the shop and found rows of beautiful white wooden chairs. Avery’s books sat alongside petit fours, savory hors d’oeuvres, three varietals of wine, and bespoke cookies with book cover overlays.
A lively crowd of forty-five quickly gathered. The place became abuzz. We drank and ate and laughed. Waiting at each seat was an oversized tote of Weezie goodies. The night just kept on giving.
We sank deep into our seats, cozied by the beautiful surroundings and great discussion.
We forgot about the storm. Forgot until the door blew open and two weary readers stepped in, drenched beyond measure. The jovial staff welcomed them with fluffy towels and wide smiles. Liz and Lindsey created the perfect towel; soft and luxurious, rounded corners, hook for hanging. They’ve become more than towels, their offering is ever-expanding.
Two hours passed like eleven minutes. None of us wanted to leave.
Departing, I spied something new, plush slippers. Oh good, a reason to return, it’s an absolute feel-good place. Liz and Lindsey just seem to do everything right.
Weezie is in Andrews Square at 56 E Andrews Drive.